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Baldur's Gate 3: Goblin Camp Location & Walkthrough

Jun 09, 2023

The Goblin Camp in Baldur's Gate 3 is a key location where players can learn a lot about the Absolute, and is also central to several questlines.

In Baldur's Gate 3, players will likely find themselves seeking out the Goblin Camp sooner or later, especially if they want to save the Tiefling Refugees and track down the lost druid Halsin. Players will also want to pay it a visit for the useful loot scattered throughout.

In Baldur's Gate 3, players will eventually want to pay the Goblin Camp a visit if they want to find out more about the Absolute and the Mindflayer Tadpoles. Whether clearing the camp or lending a hand as they invade the Druid Grove, taking the time to properly explore the Goblin Camp is well worth the effort.

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Players wanting to visit the Goblin Camp will need to head west after exiting the Emerald Grove (from the main gate where the goblin attack happened), continuing through the Blighted Village and out the other side to find the Goblin Camp on the western edge of the map.

Getting inside might prove a bit tricky, though If players decided to break Sazza out of prison at the Emerald Grove, she'll talk to the guards and get the party inside. Otherwise, players will need to talk their way past the guard (likely having to smear Worg excrement on their face too), use their Tadpole to get the guard to let them inside, or fight the guards and try to stop them from raising the alarm.

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After passing the guards and making it into the Goblin Camp, players will notice Volo performing on stage. Interacting with him will, regardless of the player's choice, result in him getting taken away by a Goblin. This is actually beneficial since it will allow players to rescue him later on.

A Goblin on the left of the entrance is talking about Chicken Chasing, and will invite the player to participate if they ask them about it. If the player has fought and slain the Owlbear in the area, but spared the cub, it will have eaten the Chicken and taken its place in the game. Players hoping to win this game will either need to move precisely to nudge the Chicken/Owlbear to the goal, or use "Speak with Animals" to convince it to run to the goal on its own.

Either way, winning Chicken Chasing is a handy way to make a little extra gold. With that handled, players should head to the eastern part of the camp to find a Waypoint, making return trips to the Goblin Camp much easier. There is a goblin named Crusher here bragging about his exploits, and players can intimidate him to score some points with Lae'zel. Killing him instead allows players to get "Crusher's Ring," granting +3m movement to the wearer. Players who selected the "Dark Urge" origin will have a unique dialog option here.

Players can head past Crusher and climb up to the upper section of the camp, where they can find "Stimk." Failing at talking down Stimk (DC: 15 Deception Check) will lead to a very difficult fight. After getting past Stimk players can find a Gazebo where "Booyahg Piddle" is reading a book. Players can convince them to hand over the book, earning Shadowheart's approval in the process, by passing a DC: 10 Intimidation or Persuasion skill check. Players can also use Illithid Wisdom to force them to hand it over.

Once players are done exploring around here, it's time to head inside via the main door at the north end of the camp. This leads to the Shattered Sanctum.

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Entering the Shattered Sanctum, players will likely trigger dialog from Shadowheart if she's in the party. After she's finished expressing her distaste at being in a (ruined) temple of Selune, players will be able to head a little further in, triggering dialog with the guards. Players can use a variety of charisma-based skills to get past the guards, though Drow will get waved on through without a second thought, and Sazza will talk the guards into letting the party past if she's here.

Past the guards, players will see Priestess Gut straight ahead. Speaking to her offers the chance to get branded with the "Mark of the Absolute," which will help them to more easily trick cultists into believing the party is on their side. She'll also offer to help the player with removing the Illithid Tadpole behind their eye.

Accepting Gut's offer will have her invite the party to her Chapel, so they can discuss things in private. Once inside, players will have a much easier time assassinating her without interference, should they wish to. Taking her offer to remove the Tadpole and then going through with it is a terrible idea since she will attempt to drug the active character and, if successful, chain them up. Players will then have to attempt to escape, or rely on the help of Korilla, an assassin who will show up and deal with Gut. The Chapel Gut brings the party to has a door leading to the Defiled Temple, which contains her bedroom and a corridor leading to the moon puzzle. Solving this puzzle will open a route into the Selunite Outpost in the Underdark.

Killing Priestess Gut allows players to retrieve her Illithid Tadpole, along with the Absolute's Talisman and Absolute's Warboard. The former lets the wearer cast aid once per long rest and also gives them advantage on death saves, while the latter is a shield that allows the wielder to cast heroism and also gives them +1 to all saving throws if they have the Mark of the Absolute. She also has some useful scrolls and potions.

Players might want to wait until they've done everything else in the Goblin Camp before dealing with Gut if they plan to kill her. Failing to eliminate her on the first turn of combat will cause her to call for reinforcements, which could potentially spiral out of control and cause problems if the player isn't done with the area.

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Players can head to the right from where Gut was found to find where the Goblins are keeping one of the captured adventurers. There's also a follower of Loviatar here, named Abdirak, who can grant the buff "Loviatar's Love" to a character if they withstand his torture three times. Players can speak to the goblin torturers in the room to the right of Abdirak's room to learn that their interrogation isn't going well. A successful deception skill check can get them to leave, and Drow can skip the skill check altogether. Speaking to the prisoner will allow players to get information about what the adventurers were looking for, and offers the opportunity to free him.

Once the prisoner has been freed or interrogated, players should head north past Abdirak's room to find the room containing Volo, who is currently being held prisoner by one of the Goblins. Speaking to said goblin, whose name is Gribbo, will allow players to try to convince her to surrender Volo to them. Failing this, players can always wait for her to leave and pick the lock. Volo will be grateful for the help and use a potion of invisibility to escape, but not before promising to join the group at their camp (whether they want him to or not.) Further north from this room, on the right edge of this map, is the entrance to the Worg Pens. Players might want to handle the Worg Pens before they continue exploring this area, since it's a fairly small diversion and there's an important character to be found there.

Players can head to the left from the Worg Pen entrance to find Minthara, the one the Goblins refer to as "The Drow." She's planning the raid on the Emerald Grove, and will appreciate it if the party tell her where to find it. Alternatively, if Sazza was freed she'll go ahead and tell her exactly where to find it, effectively making that decision for the player. If Minthara finds out the location of the grove, the only way to stop her from starting the raid in a day's time (after the party has a long rest) is by eliminating her here. (Players can still side with the Emerald Grove and help them beat back the attack after the raiders arrive, of course.) Minthara is a fairly strong Drow Paladin, but players who don't mind missing out on some loot can shove her into the bottomless pits near her location if they want to kill her easily.

Looting Minthara's body earns some Spidersilk Armor, Boots of Striding, and Xyanyde. The latter is a unique mace that casts Faerie Fire on a creature when the wielder misses that creature with an attack. The Spidersilk Armor is some excellent light armor that grants +1 to stealth checks and advantage on constitution saving throws. The Boots of Striding grant the wearer +1.5m movement while concentrating on a spell, but are medium armor and are therefore only useful to spellcasters capable of wearing that kind of armor. Players can also take her Tadpole and use it to unlock a new Illithid power.

Alternatively, siding with Minthara and helping her raid the Emerald Grove makes her recruitable later on, at the cost of making Halsin the Druid impossible to recruit.

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To the west of Minthara is the throne room of Dror Ragzlin, a hobgoblin True Soul who is currently trying to interrogate a dead Mind Flayer from the Nautiloid by using a "Speak with Dead" scroll. Players can choose to let him get on with it, make a Wisdom check to hijack the interrogation or leave before the Mindflayer inevitably blows the party's cover. Successfully hijacking the interrogation is a great way to gather more info, but players should be cautious about picking options that could tip off Ragzlin to their manipulations. Being too obvious, by picking too many of those options, can result in him starting a fight with the party.

Dror Ragzlin and his goblin allies can be quite a tough fight, but positioning a rogue in the rafters above the room (by using the ladder) to rain death down from a safe vantage point will make things a lot easier. Players can also take advantage of the pit leading down to the spider pen to eliminate some foes with a well-aimed push. Ragzlin is a dangerous physical fighter who wields the Faithbreaker, a mace that deals an extra 1d6 force damage and can push targets back 5m. It's best to either immobilize him while taking out his myriad minions or focus him down first to minimize the damage he can cause.

Defeating Dror Ragzlin allows players to claim Faithbreaker and his Illithid tadpole. Players can head up the stairs to the area behind his throne to find a treasure vault whose lock can be picked.

Killing Dror Ragzlin will almost always result in making the rest of the Goblin Camp hostile, so players should exercise caution.

The last noteworthy area in the Shattered Sanctum is in the southwest, near Priestess Gut's Chapel. There is a merchant here named Roah Moonglow, who sells a number of useful items. Notably, this includes "The Whispering Promise," a ring that grants a 1d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for two turns after the wearer heals a creature.

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After entering the Worg Pens, players will quickly find some Goblins messing with a bear. Should players want to actually rescue Halsin the Druid, they'll need to step in to help the bear. Players should take out the three Goblins who run to get reinforcements as fast as possible, and then take out the rest of the Goblins and their worgs to save the bear. The bear turns out to be Halsin, who thanks the party and, if they haven't already done so, asks them to eliminate the Goblin Camp's leadership.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now for PC and Mac, and on September 6th, 2023, for PS5.

Baldur's Gate 3Baldur's Gate 3